Frank Reinhold

Frank Reinhold

Professor of Mathematics Education

University of Education Freiburg


Frank Reinhold is a professor of mathematics education at the University of Education Freiburg. His research interests include mathematics education, educational psychology and teacher training.

He studied mathematics education and physics education at the University of Regensburg, Germany. He worked as an academic high school teacher before he started his PhD in mathematics education at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.


  • Mathematics Education
  • Educational Psychology
  • Technology in Education


  • PhD in Mathematics Education, 2018

    Technical University of Munich

  • Secondary School Teacher, 2014

    Max-Planck-Gymnasium Munich

  • Mathematics & Physics Education, 2012

    University of Regensburg



Math Educator


Educational Psychologist


University and Secondary School Teacher


Quantitative Educational Researcher


R Coder


LaTeX Typesetter



Professor of Mathematics Education

University of Education Freiburg

Dec 2021 – Present Freiburg, Germany
Department of Mathematics (IMBF)

PostDoc Position

Freiburg University of Education Freiburg

Aug 2020 – Nov 2021 Freiburg, Germany
Department of Mathematics (IMBF)

PostDoc Position

Technical University of Munich

Jul 2018 – Jul 2020 Munich, Germany
TUM School of Education | Heinz Nixdorf-Chair of Mathematics Education

PhD Student

Technical University of Munich

Sep 2014 – Jun 2018 Munich, Germany
TUM School of Education | Heinz Nixdorf-Chair of Mathematics Education

Academic High School Teacher


Sep 2014 – Aug 2017 Munich, Germany
Secondary school mathematics & physics

Scholarships and Awards

Scholarship for postdoctoral researchers 2021

The Foundation awards scholarships to junior professors and postdoctoral researchers. The objective is to strengthen the autonomy and creativity of the next generation of scientists and to pave the way for the dedicated researchers’ professional careers during the productive phase following their doctorates.

GDM Dissertation Award 2020

Every two years, the Society for Didactics of Mathematics (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, GDM) awards the GDM Dissertation Award for an outstanding dissertation to a young mathematics didactician.

Nominated for the Polytechnik-Preis 2019: Dealing with Diversity in MINT Education. Awarded with a certificate of honour.

Since 2011, the Foundation has honored the outstanding, innovative research and development achievements of scientists in the field of didactics with the Polytechnic Award for the Didactics of Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Technology.

Selected Projects

Digitally supported teaching-learning settings for cognitive activation.

ALICE: Teach

Supporting learning mathematics collaboratively


Motivated Action in Learning Fractions with Digital Tools


Multidimensional educational goals in STEM


Digital media to support individualized learning in mathematics

ALICE: fractions

Adaptive Learning in an Interactive Computer-supported Environment

Academic Service

Reviewing activities

American Educational Research Journal · British Journal of Educational Technology · Child Development · Cogent Education · Computers & Education · Computers in Human Behavior · Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences · Cybernetics and Systems · Educational Psychology · Educational Psychology Review · European Journal of Psychology of Education · Frontiers in Education · Frontiers in Psychology · IEEE Transactions on Education · International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health · Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik · Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance · Journal of Numerical Cognition · Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education · Learning and Individual Differences · Learning and Instruction · Mathematical Thinking and Learning · Multimodal Technologies and Interaction · PLoS ONE · Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht · Unterrichtswissenschaft · ZDM Mathematics Education · Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft · Zeitschrift für Mathematikdidaktik in Forschung und Praxis | Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) · EARLI SIG3 (Conceptual Change) · Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) · Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM)


European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction · Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik · International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Cooperative head

Cooperative head of the working group ‘Mathematics Education and Digital Tools (AK MdW)’ of the Society for Didactics of Mathematics (GDM) together with Prof. Florian Schacht

Other activities

Member of the expert panel on the further education initiatives ‘Digitale Medien für den Fachunterricht nutzen’ and ‘Starke Basis’ of the Center for School Quality and Teacher Education (ZSL) in Baden-Württemberg · Scientific advisor of the State Institute for School Quality and Educational Research (ISB) Munich for the learning area mathematics · Expert for the Institute for Quality Development in Education (IQB) in the context of VerA-8 · State Examination Mathematics Education Bavaria (Assignment & Correction) · Textbook author · Mentor of doctoral students
