Frank Reinhold
Frank Reinhold
Kristina Reiss
Teaching statistics with positiv orientations but little knowledge? Teachers' professional competence in statistics
Developing a Simulation to Foster Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Diagnostic Competencies: the Effects of Scaffolding
Considering teachers' beliefs, motivation, and emotions regarding teaching mathematics with digital tools: The effect of an in-service teacher training
Different complex word problems require different combinations of cognitive skills
Motivational and emotional orientation, engagement, and achievement in mathematics. A case study with one sixth-grade classroom working with an electronic textbook on fractions
Students' coping with the self-regulatory demand of crisis-driven digitalization in university mathematics instruction: do motivational and emotional orientations make a difference?
Digital support principles for sustainable mathematics learning in disadvantaged students
Process data from electronic textbooks indicate students' classroom engagement
The Role of Spatial, Verbal, Numerical, and General Reasoning in Complex Word Problem Solving for Young Female and Male Adults
The Interplay Between the Natural Number Bias and Fraction Magnitude Processing in Low-Achieving Students
The potential of digital tools to enhance mathematics and science learning in secondary schools: A context-specific meta-analysis
Learning Fractions with and without Educational Technology: What Matters for High-Achieving and Low-Achieving Students?
Design and research potential of interactive textbooks: the case of fractions